Fantone Fitness

It's about Fitness. A fit life is a fun life!

2024 and there’s so much more! Building muscle at 65! 5 years after a total shoulder replacement.

Can you see the difference? No, probably not. I am always about the same weight and bodyfat. I fluxuate from 141 pounds to about 147 at the most. About 9% bodyfat to around 11%. So now I’m going to see if it’s possible to eat more and put on muscle. For a month, I’m not going to do cardio every day, and I’m going to take actual rest days. That’s right, I am going from working out every day, to just doing weight training 4 times a week. Wish me luck. Can you build muscle after a total shoulder replacement? At 65? We are about to find out!

The Crux

2024 Who cares about the date? I don’t, but… I do care about this moment. This moment contains all I need to know. I have spent a lifetime trying to fill the me shaped hole inside of me. As I write this, I see how ridiculous this sounds. The crux of the matter is the realization that I am enough!

What’s my secret? At 65 most people retire. I’m just getting started!

There are some things you should know if you want to stay in shape as you get older.

  1. Get in shape now. In order to stay in shape, first you have to be in shape. Do it now!
  2. If you start now, you will get better.
  3. If you wait you won’t.
  4. There’s more, just ask…..

Fitness questions asked over and over again. What’s the best way to burn fat? Watch this for some really great info. And above all, consistency is the key. Keep moving!

Alive and ready to thrive, now that I’m 65.

WTF?! This guy’s not 65! Well, at least on the inside. Hey everyone, I did it! Made it to medicare. Hahaha! What a joke. Anyway, I’m still alive at 65. I like to take things “One day at at time”, so I don’t put too much thought into birthdays and holidays. Every day is a holiday for me. I’m lucky to be alive. (For a number of reasons) I don’t wait for holidays or birthdays to celebrate. I do it all the time. So, I’m celebrating the end of my 65th year alive. Now. Right now! That’s all we got “Right here, right now” Love yourself!!

Time To Get Serious. 65 is right around the corner!

I’ll admit I have been a little off my game for a few months. Knee surgery in April completely derailed my frisbee game. Now that it’s July 25th, exaclty one month until I turn 65, I’m ready to get “Back On The Plan” Gonna get serious! Anyone else feel the need to get serious?

Eating For Two! And leaning into 65.

Hi there sportsfans! It’s me again and I’m (chronologically) a bit older. I say “chronologically” because I don’t feel or act any older. Some say I don’t look any older, but upon closer inspection, I believe I do; a little. I’m just doing what I always do. Taking photos of myself to show off. I am proud that I am lean and fit. I also know myself and I know if I’m taking photos of my body, that means I want it to look good. I have always been vain that way. As I get (chronologically) older, I notice that when I am leaner and eating to be leaner I also feel better. So, now I’m eating for two. Two reasons. I want to feel good and I want to look good. Is that so wrong?

Real Life Real Fitness

Here’s the thing. Health is a lifestyle. Yes, there are so many things you can’t control. So, we’re going to put those aside for now.

Time to focus on what you do have control over.

  1. Nutrition (What and how much you eat)
  2. Activity (Exercise)
  3. Mental health (Coping skills)

That’s why I believe that


Is comprised of









That’s where I come in. Without a support system for your fitness, you are on your own. If that’s working for you the I say more power to you. If it’s not, then why not make some changes?

I will make sure you get in better shape. I guarantee it.

Give me 10 sessions and you will see and feel the difference.

Fitness is my game. My life. My domain.

2 22 22

Two crazy! Two months. Two different angles. 3 months shy of three years since my total shoulder replacement. First time I’ve been willing to show my body from the left side. Check out that wicked scar!

That’s all. Just checking in. Life is good. One day at a time. Getting through the day is an inside job. If you take care of the inside, it all falls into place. Or not. And you deal with it. 2/22/2022 Another day in the life. A day in your life. Make the most of it. Stay fit. Physically and mentally. Exercise your right to a happy life. February 2022.

Are you ready?

I’m getting ready..

It’s what I do.

It’s January and you know what that means!

What? No. Not a new year’s resolution, sorry. Not sorry.

I am getting ready again. Every day. Again.

What is it with you Americans?

Every year celebrating something that doesn’t exist.

New Year’s day? You mean a new year?

Well that could happen on January 18th.

February 23rd.

March 11th

April 23rd.

Why January 1st?

Never mind.

If it needs explaining, just never mind.

I’m getting ready. For what, you ask?

Now. That’s it. Now

There is no holiday.

Made up.

There isn’t any day more important than this.

I refuse to compare

I refuse to complain

I refuse to celebrate one over the other




I am getting ready for now

And now

And now

By being here and now.

If you don’t understand me

You don’t

I am


Leaning into 63!

Well if it isn’t me again? I’m thinking about life as I often do and I’m wondering where this is all going. And suddenly I freeze in my tracks and it hits me. This moment! That’s all there is. I mean, what a relief! I just don’t think I can handle any more than that. Well, I suppose I could try but why? If I really want to live, and I do then I think I need to stay present. Right here, right now.

Yes, I think I’m okay now. For a moment I was sidetracked. Started thinking I needed to be “normal.” Thought I ought to try to fit in. You know surrender my soul to society. Whew! I’ve come to my senses.

And now the reason for this post. More photos of me. That’s right, I am holding myself accountable for my own happiness and part of that is taking care of my body! I’ll be 63 in August and I’m looking for to it. “One day at a time” of course.

This ain’t no joke! Leaning into 63!

Life’s a roller coaster of a ride and definitely has its ups and downs. Most people would say 2020 was a bad year. I wouldn’t. I just don’t speak like that. I don’t use the word, “bad” to describe things. It’s a bit lazy. I would say that there have been some incredible challenges, that’s for sure. I am very careful about the words I use when speaking to myself or anyone for that matter. I have made an agreement with myself that I would be impeccable with my word. My words have power, so I use them wisely.

Am I still talking?

Here are some pics I took after the first month of 2021. I’m down 2 pounds and my body-fat is around 10.5% Progress, not perfection! One day at a time. Sober, strong and leaning into 63!!

2020 is Hindsight! Back onna plan!

Here we go again! Back onna plan. I am a unique expression of life. No one like me, that’s for sure. Here I go again, taking half naked photos to show off, get a look at my own reality and hold myself accountable.

I’m 62, in my 63rd year of consciousness and I am grateful for my own unique experience of life. I make no excuses for myself. I am powerfully peaceful and creatively conscious. I have everything I need, I have everything I want.

I’m 144 pounds with about 11% of that in bodyfat. It’s my own expression of my own spirit. I try to live like water, going with the flow. Each day i am reminded that I cannot change the winds, but I can adjust my sails. I am surfing the universe! It’s a huge challenge that seems overwhelming, but I’ve decided to break it down into smaller more manageable chunks of “one day at a time’ Feel like surfing anyone?

61 and still having fun!One year after a total shoulder replacement.

It’s been one year since the operation. I’ve been working on building strength while quarantined, how about you?

How do I get rid of this?

Many people grab their belly and say this, “How do I get rid of this?” Which exercises will get rid of this. I have the secret, but just like many mysteries, the answer doesn’t always make you feel better.

The secrets of a sixpack!! I am fortunate enough to be very vain. It’s practically an obsession! I say fortunate because it drives me to stay lean. I know one of the deepest darkest secrets of having visible ab muscles. Brace yourselves! In order to see your ab muscles you must be LEAN. That means that without any ab exercises, if you’re lean you could have a sixpack, but without a proper nutrition plan, all the ab exercises in the world won’t uncover that coveted sixpack.

Okay so if you still want to see those abs, I mean really want to. There are some exercises that can build up your abdominal muscle and help with your desire, (very strong desire) to make them more visible once your bodyfat percentage is low enough. Here they are!

  1. Exercise your abdominal muscles often. They can be worked out every day.
  2. Lower your bodyfat with cardiovascular exercise and a clean diet. (cut out sugars) there are many ingredients to achieving a sixpack and beer ain’t one of them.
  3. Be realistic. It takes time. Sometimes a long time. But it’s worth it!
12 weeks Apr 3 2020 b
140 lbs 10 % bodyfat

After 12 Weeks of Hindsight! 2020


Hello from my living room! We are experiencing something totally new! This world we live in now has changed so much since my last post it’s hard to believe. I am always saying, stay in the present moment. This is all we have. Everything could change tomorrow. Enjoy your life because you never know how things could change and when.

We are living in that unimaginable future! If you would have told me life could change this much back in January, I would have scoffed, I’m sure. Unimaginable!

Yet, here we are. So, I’ll say it again. Live in the present moment and enjoy what you have right now. Everything could change tomorrow! Believe me now?

Cool down! No equipment needed

Don’t forget to stretch! Even though we’re not as active as we’d like, it’s still important to stretch. It helps you relax and de-stress. In this difficult time of social distancing, we’re kind of on our own to take care of ourselves. Stretching is one way to loosen up and relax. Take full, deep breaths and let go of tension. 10 minutes a day will change your life!

Home Gym

Always thinking positive! That’s me. No matter what. This is why I’m happy. No matter what. Using my time to work out at home and get ripped. More to come. I also do video training sessions, phone consultations and email coaching. Stay happy.Home Gym

Full Body, 5 Tabatas, 20 Minutes

This is a sample of the workout I put together today. Since we can’t go to the gym, we’ve got to work out at home. Here is an edited version of my 20 minute workout today. I just didn’t want you to have to watch every 20 second round for 20 minutes. But I assure you I didn’t stop for 20 minutes. What a great workout!

I didn’t realize how dark it was until I was 2 Tabatas in.

Full Body Tabata

Here I go demonstrating one of my favorite ways to activate the whole body, in a short but effective high intensity interval drill called tabata. 4 minutes gets my heart and lungs along with chest, triceps, chest, legs and glutes. No equipment necessary! Train online!

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